Act Justly, Love Mercy, And Walk Humbly With God

In the early morning of April 26, 2015, the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Brothers and sisters from the Cedar Church in Haidiantang avoided the peak of the Botanical Garden tour and came to the Lord’s temple early to prepare their hearts and pray, read the Bible, and sing praises in one accord. Praise the Lord.

At 9 o'clock, Sister Qi led the prayers and sang hymns; at 9:30, the father's choir, dressed in black suits, slowly entered the auditorium and opened the morning Sunday worship with "The Lord is in the Temple". Co-worker Zhang Li officiated. She led the congregation to conduct proclamations, sing hymns, pray in unison, and respond to scriptures. The Father's Choir sang "Chinese Heart" and "I Come to You with Prayer" with great enthusiasm, and both the stage and the audience were moved by the Holy Spirit. Preacher Tongzhen of Haidian Church shared the words of God with the congregation under the title "Walking with God". The scriptures are recorded in Micah Chapter 6 Verse 8, Genesis Chapter 4 Verses 18 to 19, and Chapter 5 Verses 21 to 24. . Thank you to the Lord for being with him, giving His servant enough strength, and listening to our prayers. He healed the allergic pharyngitis caused by the preacher. The whole sermon went through without coughing or discomfort, which demonstrated the power of God.

Thanks to God’s grace, through the words of His servants, we can see His wonderful promises and wonderful will: He has not promised believers that the sky will always be blue, smooth sailing, and birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant; He has not promised that we will not encounter temptations or be entangled in busy affairs; But He does promise us that we will have strength in our lives, light in our journey, rest in our work, help in our trials, and salvation in times of crisis. When people are in trouble and despair, they often complain, deny God, and suspect that God has abandoned us and is far away from us. However, they forget that He is with us. He is always there, holding our hands tightly and facing each other together. To the trial. Man's frustrations often reveal God's salvation and good will, and man's weaknesses reveal God's perfection and strength. God wants every one of His children to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God.

Justice and mercy are the dual attributes of God: justice shows that God rewards good and punishes evil, and hates sin; mercy shows God’s love, fully accepts sinners, and leads them to confess their sins, repent, and return to God. Justice does not mean equality, and mercy does not mean sympathy. The coexistence of justice and mercy is complete love and redemption. God also wants us to be humble, not to be proud, not to boast, not to seek glory in front of others. He wants us to do good deeds secretly to influence others. God also wants us to walk with Him, be of the same mind, and be in sync with Him, be equally yoked with Jesus Christ, and be with God. work. I hope that brothers and sisters can engrave the precious words of the Lord on their hearts, live out love, live out faith, work diligently, spread the gospel widely, and do good deeds in their daily work and life, and in the experience of raising children. Bear witness and glorify the name of the Lord.

A sermon on loving mercy_A sermon on loving mercy_The meaning of mercy in the Bible

After the sermon, Sister Zhang Li reported the matter and welcomed new friends to join. Thanks to the grace of the Lord, the Cedar Church was packed with seats today, attracting many catechumens to come to the temple to worship for the first time. May the Holy Spirit work on them, may the Lord personally lead them on their spiritual path, may the number of saved people increase day by day for God’s church, may the cedar church emit a sweet fragrance in the land of Fragrant Hill, All glory and praise to God Most High. The congregation sang the hymn "Song with the Lord", recited the Lord's Prayer and the Amen, which brought the morning worship to a successful conclusion.

A sermon on loving mercy_The meaning of mercy in the Bible_A sermon on loving mercy

Sincerely welcome new friends who come to Cedar Church for the first time

The meaning of mercy in the Bible_A sermon on loving mercy_ A sermon on loving mercy

Preacher Dang Tongzhen gave the main sermon

A sermon on loving mercy_A sermon on loving mercy_The meaning of mercy in the Bible

Colleague Zhang Li officiated

A sermon on loving mercy_The meaning of mercy in the Bible_A sermon on loving mercy

Brothers and sisters, the seats are all packed

Father’s Choir sings glory to the Most High God

The soprano sang in perfect harmony with his father's choir