In Order To Prevent The Baby From Wetting The Bed, Can A Crawling Mat Be Used To Make The Bed For Sleeping?

The twins are over two years old, because the winter in the north has passed and spring is blooming. Even now, in May, the weather is already very hot. In the past, for the convenience of taking care of the baby, the twins always wore diapers. Summer is coming, and the 2-year-old twins also need to give up diapers.

Therefore, the twins have been abstaining from diapers for a month. By now, the twins are able to put on and take off their pants on their own and clearly communicate that they want to use the toilet. Although there are occasional accidents, I no longer wear diapers during the day.

I remember when the twins first stopped wearing diapers, I put the crawling mat at home on the bed. The twins would play on the bed during the day. If they didn't wear diapers, they wouldn't soil the mattress if they had poop or pee.

This unexpected approach made me feel that the method was very clever, and I even slept on it at night. However, after sleeping for more than a week, I suddenly remembered, can a crawling mat be used to make a bed?

Many mothers buy crawling mats for their babies when they are learning to crawl and walk. Because the crawling mat is placed on the ground next to the bed, they will not worry about the baby falling off the bed. Nowadays, there are many mothers like me who have used their imagination and think that if the crawling mat is placed on the bed, it will be easier to clean up when the baby urinates, and it will not stain the mattress.

Some babies may be naughty and bite the crawling mat. So, expectant mothers may want to know whether crawling mats are harmful to your baby’s health? Can I sleep on a crawling mat?

First of all, it is definitely not good to sleep on a crawling mat on the ground. Children can easily catch colds and have diarrhea if the floor is cold. Therefore, children still have to sleep in bed. This also makes it easier to develop good sleeping habits.

We use crawling mats every day. It is recommended to clean the crawling mats frequently and do daily cleaning and disinfection.

There are thicker crawling mats and thinner ones. If the thickness of the crawling mat is not enough, whether it is spread on the ground for crawling or used as a mattress, the comfort will be greatly reduced. Therefore, when buying a crawling mat, comfort is still the premise.

Today's crawling mats are roughly divided into two types, one is separated and assembled, and the other is a single piece. No matter which one you choose, the ingredients are the same, which is the most critical point in choosing a crawling mat.

There are roughly three types of raw materials for crawling mats: the first type, XPE raw material, has many excellent functions such as strength, corrosion resistance, and water absorption. The crawling mats produced using this raw material are very safe.

The second type, EPE cotton, is an environmentally friendly material that has the functions of moisture-proof, sound insulation and heat preservation. It is a substitute for many packaging materials and can be used as the inner packaging of wine and fruits. There is no safer material to use as a crawling pad for your baby.

The third type is EVA raw material. The raw material of EVA itself is non-toxic and harmless. However, in order to save costs, some will use recycled EVA as bottom cushion material, which will also be mixed with many harmful substances.

After understanding the material of the crawling mat, we know that the crawling mat for babies is not breathable. If it is laid directly on the bed, the sweat cannot be absorbed, and the baby will easily develop eczema.

Therefore, mattresses and sheets cannot be replaced by crawling mats. Because of the different materials, no matter how good the crawling mat is, it is not as good as cotton sheets, and the reason why the crawling mat is waterproof is because it is not breathable. Therefore, you can’t just use a crawling mat. You can put the crawling mat under the sheets, wash the sheets frequently, and do a good job of cleaning and disinfection.

If it is daytime and you are afraid that the children will make the bed dirty and it is easy to clean, you can put a crawling mat on the bed. At night, it is better not to use the crawling mat. It is used for playing games for the baby. The baby sleeps for a long time at night. It will be uncomfortable to sleep on the crawling mat. It is not good for the skin to come into direct contact with the crawling mat. It will be more comfortable to sleep on the bed. a little better.

In addition, in order to train their babies' perception of colors, many mothers like to choose cute cartoon crawling mats. However, when choosing this kind of crawling mat with graphic colors, mothers should pay attention to it. They must choose a crawling mat with relatively bright colors, clear patterns and clear lines. Because crawling mats use more dyes and inks, crawling mats with unclear patterns and old colors are mostly made of inferior dyes.

Some crawling mats use formaldehyde-rich dyeing auxiliaries in order to save costs. Crawling mats rich in formaldehyde will release free formaldehyde when touched by people. After passing through the human respiratory tract, contact with the skin can cause respiratory inflammation and skin inflammation, and can also affect the eyes. Therefore, long-term use will be harmful to the baby's health.

Most crawling mats are still highly flammable, so for safety reasons, be sure to keep them away from fire. Parents who love smoking at home should be careful to stay away from the crawling mat when smoking, because a small spark may cause the crawling mat to burn.

Taken together, when mothers choose crawling mats for their babies, they should choose bright colors, no smell, buy them, ventilate them, and clean them. It should be cleaned regularly when using it. Try not to put it on the bed for sleeping just to keep out urine and make it easier to clean. Even if the baby takes a nap on it during the day, a sheet or baby's small mattress should be placed on top of the crawling mat to avoid direct contact with the baby's skin.

Dreaming About A Python Drilling A Hole Is A Sign

2. What to avoid when dreaming about a python drilling a hole

"It is appropriate" to drink yogurt, eat fruit candies, and criticize uncivilized behavior.

"Taboo" Do not clean the toilet, do not interview, do not let yourself go.

3. What does it mean to dream of a python drilling a hole?

Dreaming about a python may mean you will be harmed by crocodiles or other reptiles.

A pregnant person dreams of a python drilling a hole indicates that she will give birth to a boy, and the mother's body will be damaged, so she needs to take care of herself.

Dreaming of a python drilling a hole, according to the analysis of the Five Elements of the Book of Changes, the lucky number is 9, the peach blossom is in the west direction, the wealth position is in the northwest, the auspicious color is purple, and the lucky food is chicken soup.

Dreaming about a python – you will be harmed by crocodiles or other reptiles.

Dreaming about a python means you will be harmed by crocodiles or other reptiles.

I dreamed of a python burrowing into a hole, which means that one day the tiredness will begin to appear. The plans you are implementing are beginning to be forgotten by you, so you should cheer up. It’s time for you to get outside and do some exercise.

People born in this year dream of a python drilling a hole, which means that they will get good luck if they sincerely change their past bad habits.

Dreaming about snakes mostly represents sexual relationships and is a symbol of sexual needs. If the snake is curled, it means that you are currently addicted to sexual relationships. In addition, there is also a warning of increasing jealousy. On the other hand, dreaming of snakes also symbolizes increased wealth, while dreaming of snakes indicates financial losses.

People in love dream of a python drilling its hole, which means that as long as they trust each other and treat each other honestly, they can become a couple.

If a businessman dreams of a python drilling a hole, it means poor management, loss of money, loss of both people and money, and futile efforts.

People in love dream of riding in a car and drilling holes, which means that everything in their family and everything will be prosperous, and they will be happy if they don't listen to one-sided remarks.

Dreaming about teeth being drilled indicates that disputes are likely to arise today, and they often occur between brothers, sisters or neighbors, especially when you complete a work/study together or enjoy something together, conflicts are more likely to be aroused. If you are blunt, remember not to say personal attacks. At the same time, you may encounter people who use words to attack you today, so you need to stand firm!

Business people dream of drilling holes, which means that things are not going smoothly and there are disagreements. It is advisable to adjust and communicate before starting business.

Dreaming about drilling a hole indicates that you will seek excitement and take risks, and you may unexpectedly fall in love with someone. Social activities, financial affairs or sexual encounters you experience will be subversive. It is possible to encounter capricious women, especially at parties. Today you will gain money. However, if you are more neurotic, you will become nervous and depressed. Not only will you not get any benefits, but you may lose money.

A pregnant person dreams of drilling a hole and giving birth to a girl, which means giving birth to a boy in winter. Be careful not to disturb the soil or tire pressure.

Dreaming about mice drilling holes, show your enthusiasm to the friends you just met! Expand your circle of friends and find new love among them. A dinner party cost you a lot of money. A collaborative project requires you to work with others.

People who go to school dream of riding in a car and drilling holes, which means that they will be admitted successfully and they should study liberal arts more carefully.

A traveler dreams of drilling a hole, and if it is delayed by rain, his departure will be safe.

If a person born in this year dreams of drilling a hole, it means that things will go smoothly, everything will be done according to reason, and he will gain both fame and wealth.

Dreaming about fish in the well is a good sign, which means that you will work elsewhere.

"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan

"Who can tell everyone how you climbed?" (Encourage children to express their experiences boldly)

4. Learn to crawl backwards.

(1) "The teacher has thought of a more fun way to crawl, that is, the little ants crawl backwards. Come and try it."

(2) Explanation method: With your belly facing down, your hands on the ground, your legs on your knees and crawling backwards.

(3) Children try.

5. The game "Ants Transport Grain".

(1) "Children, let's play a game of little ants transporting food!"

(2) Explain the rules of the game: Divide the children into two teams and choose their own team names. After the referee says to start, the one who comes first. The children crawl backwards to the granary, take out a bag of grain (a sandbag) from the granary, then go back the same way and put the grain in their team's granary. The second child will start again, which team will finish the transportation first? Even if you win.

(3) Toddler games.

6. Relax.

The soothing music "Moonlight" is played, and the children sit on the ground and relax various parts of their bodies under the guidance of the teacher.

Activity reflection:

Climbing backwards is very new to children, and they rarely practice it. Therefore, most children are still very active during the whole activity, always wanting to challenge themselves and make themselves crawl faster; but there are also a few children who, due to their own reasons, It is normal to feel that climbing backwards is awkward and strenuous, and that you are not very active in the activity.

Through this activity, I also have some thoughts: In sports activities, some physical coordination activities still need to be practiced frequently. For children who are not very active, more ways can be used to stimulate children’s interest in practice, so as to achieve the physical goals of children. General coordination.

The second point of thought is: the awareness of rules is constantly increasing in children. In the past, when children played games, I consciously guided them to abide by some game rules. For example, when running a race, the little feet cannot step on the starting line; when the eagle catches a chicken, the chicken cannot let go of the clothes of the person in front, otherwise it will lose. Although what the children do is not very standardized, they still have this awareness. In this activity, although some children were not very active, with the encouragement and supervision of the children, they were still able to persist in crawling backwards. I think they did a good job.

"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan Part 2

Activity goals:

1. Can crawl through obstacles and crawl forward on hands and knees.

2. Able to abide by the rules of the game

3. Educate children through games not to be afraid of difficulties and to persist in completing one thing.

Activity preparation: rubber bands, mats, headgear

activity procedure:

1. Preparatory activities before the game

Listen to music, do morning exercises, and imitate animal movements

2. Newly awarded

1. Conversation introduction

My children have a very hard-working little animal. It helps its mother transport food. Who do you think it is?

2. Show the ant headdress

Do you want to become this hardworking little ant? (wearing headgear)

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3. Lead children to practice drilling and crawling

How do children, ants, walk?Let's climb together

4. Ask individual children to demonstrate drilling and crawling

5. The teacher explains and demonstrates the essentials of drilling and climbing.

6. The teacher introduces the name and gameplay of the game

7. The teacher explains how to play the demonstration game

8. Organize exercises for children

9. Organize games and teachers inspect

Instruct the children not to touch the rubber bands when drilling, and to run back from both sides and pat the hands of the next child before starting.

3. Listen to music

Finish by holding a sandbag and doing relaxation exercises.

"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan Part 3

1. Design Intention

Children aged 2 to 3 years old have incomplete brain development and poor coordination of their hands and feet, so we should focus on cultivating children's abilities in this area. After observation, I found that the children in my class are more interested in climbing, and they also like to climb in their daily activities. According to these age characteristics of children, combined with the "cute little animals" theme activity at this stage, using the characteristics of ants crawling and walking, so that children can learn the crawling movements of ants, I chose the game activity of "Ants Carrying Food". Learn the ability of ants to "find food" and practice the crawling and straddling movements of children on their hands and knees. The image of "ant" is familiar to young children and they like it very much. In the activity design, I participated in the activity as the "ant" father and created a scene where the ant father and the baby look for food together, which is very suitable for children. The emotional attachment of children in the class to their mothers can better facilitate emotional communication and communication between teachers and students, which is also more conducive to the smooth development of activities. In this activity, children can exercise their coordination of limbs, stimulate their interest in actively trying activities, and experience the joy of sports games.

2. Teaching objectives:

1. Develop children's ability to crawl and cross on their hands and knees.

2. Stimulate children's interest in actively trying activities.

3. Children can actively answer questions and enhance their oral expression ability.

4. Be able to express your opinions boldly and clearly and experience the joy of success.

3. Teaching focus: Practice children’s ability to crawl on their hands and knees.

Teaching difficulty: being able to cross 10 cm obstacles.

4. Design highlights

1. According to the learning situation of the children, I used the intuitive method, questioning method, game method and other teaching methods in this activity.

Why should we adopt the above method?

The intuitive method is used because the thinking of kindergarten children has obvious concrete image characteristics and is a typical concrete image thinking. Directly stimulating children's audio-visual organs by watching the teacher demonstrate can make teaching lively and stimulate children's interest in learning. The questioning method is used because questioning can guide children to observe purposefully and carefully and inspire children to think positively. The game method is used because games are children’s favorite activities and games can enhance children’s interest in participating in activities. Young children can easily master the skills they learn in relaxed and enjoyable games.

2. I focused on children throughout the activity, and the children mastered the important and difficult points of the activity in a relaxed atmosphere of watching, listening, and playing. Children actively participate in activities through their visual and auditory senses, and gain direct impressions by watching teachers’ demonstrations. Let the children practice the skills of crawling and crossing with their hands and knees during the game, which reflects the fun of the activity.

5. Teaching process

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(1) Preparation part:

1. Teaching preparation: some ant headdresses. Some candies. Some tires. tape.

2. Do exercises

Hello little ants, the weather is really nice today. Let’s go do some exercises with dad. Would you like to come out and do some exercise? When we come out, we must first cross the threshold of the house. When crossing, we must raise our feet and be careful not to fall.

3. Introduce the topic

My babies are so capable and do a great job. Now we are all hungry. Can mommy take you to find something to eat?

(2) Basic part

1. Explain and demonstrate

Let's go look for it on the ground over there, shall we? Dad wants to crawl over there. First, let’s see what Dad does. He puts his two knees on the ground, and then presses his two hands on the ground. He crawls and crawls to find something to eat. After he finds something delicious, he crawls back. , climb to the door of the house, and then cross the threshold again, taking a break at home with the candy. Do you understand how mom looks for things?

2. Child operation

1. Explain and demonstrate

A Invite individual children to play

Next, the mother invites a capable baby to come and have a look, and the father sees if he has learned it.The teacher is there to guide you

B Invite all the children to play

Next, the mother invites the babies to follow their father to find something. The babies have to crawl with their father and cannot crawl too far. Do you understand?

(3) Ending part

The babies were covered in mud when they were looking for things. Now let's take a shower. Dad asked the babies to take the candy over there to bask in the sun and have a rest, okay?

Activity reflection:

Little ants are very common among children, and children have a strong interest in ants. Therefore, I conducted a sports game "Ants Transport Food" to integrate children's interests into sports games. The children were highly motivated to participate and successfully completed the three activity goals of this activity.


1. For different scenes in the game, I prepared five pieces of background music with different rhythms and atmospheres. I used music to create a good game situation and set off the atmosphere of the entire game.

2. The entire activity runs through interesting plots, subtly educating children on unity, friendship, and mutual cooperation, and cultivating the spirit of children in overcoming difficulties.

3. The design of the entire activity is highly hierarchical, and the links clearly reflect the principle from easy to difficult.

4. The activity reflects the main relationship between the teacher's leadership and the children, and guides the children to cooperate independently.

5. The teacher’s instructions are concise and clear, and the evaluation is timely and targeted.


The density of preparation activities is slightly lacking and the movements are not rich enough.

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"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan Part 4

Game goals:

1. Through games, children can develop their agility and coordination in crawling on their hands and knees, especially in crawling forward with one arm.

2. Consolidate and develop children's basic movements such as balance and balance, cultivate children's ability to cooperate and cooperate, and promote the character of unity and mutual assistance.

3. Cultivate children's love for labor and their spirit of overcoming difficulties.

Game preparation:

1. 30 ant headdresses, three sets of mats, 3 balance beams, and 3 drill rails.

2. Several "food" backpacks, a box of music tapes, and venue layout

Game process:

(1) Beginning part:

1. Children follow the rhythm and walk in circles to play the seesaw game.

2. Rhythm "Ants Moving Beans"

(2) Basic parts:

1. Learn various skills on the way to find food. The teacher demonstrates crawling movements, especially crawling with one arm.

2. Dispersed training for children, requiring each child to practice crawling, walking, and drilling in different places, focusing on crawling with one arm. The teacher will provide guidance and remind people to pay attention to safety.

3. The children gathered together once and set out from "home" to find "food". On the way, they drilled into caves, climbed across the grass, and walked across small bridges. They found that the "food" was not very big. Each "ant" carried a bag home. Introduce experience to children who can climb mountains quickly by counting grain.

The second time I set out to look for food, I found that the "food" was quite big. I guided the children to think of ways to cooperate in carrying it home. If they encountered difficulties during the carrying process, they had to find ways to solve it. The children were required to cooperate with each other and evaluate each other after carrying it home.

After setting off for the third time, they found that the "food" was bigger. They guided the children to discuss solutions with each other, find partners to move with them, and required cooperation.

(3) Ending part:

The "food" was piled up, and the teacher gave a brief comment. The "little ants" had a carnival around the "granary", and teachers and students did relaxation exercises together.

Activities extension:

Children should learn from ants, love labor, love unity, and work with the middle school teacher to transport mats, balance beams, drill rails, and backpacks back to the classroom.

Activity name: Toys I love you

Activity goals: 1. Cultivate children's love for toys and their love for toys.

2. Let children understand the simple principle of handling toys with care and returning toys to their original places.

Environmental creation:

1. Introduce the name of the toy.

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Teacher: Children, let me tell you some good news. Today, many toys are coming to our class for a party. Let me go and see if they are here? (The teacher comes to the door and pretends to visit) Here, here, we children, please invite them in quickly! (The children ran outside the door, each picked up a basket of toys and placed them on the table.)

Teacher: What kind of toys did you invite? (Encourage the children to say the name of each basket of toys in a loud voice, such as "The car I invited."…)

2. Play with toys.

Teacher: Oh! So many toys want to be good friends with us. good! Now let’s play with the toys, little ones! See who is best friends with toys and loves them the most. (Children play with toys according to their own wishes, and teachers observe and guide them to handle them with care.)

3. Get together with toys.

Teacher: Our children played really well with their toys just now. The toys said that the children also loved and cared for them, and they were really happy. Now, can the children perform a show for the toys? (Children sing, dance and recite nursery rhymes around toys.)

Teacher: Look, the toys are also performing. Everyone applauds warmly.

(1) Bottle doll dancing (arrange the bottle dolls into various formations)

(2) Snowflake magic (turn snowflakes into various shapes of small animals, flowers, slides, etc.)

(3) Cars run quickly (children drive cars against each other)

(4) The big rubber ball bounces (the teacher shoots colorful balls).

4. Send toys to new homes.

Teacher: The toys performed really well. When the toys are tired, let them go back! oops! Why don't the toys go away? Let me ask them: Toys, toys, why don't you go back? (Pretending to ask about the toy) Oh! The toys said that the children take good care of them and take and put them gently when playing, so they are reluctant to leave the children. They want to stay in our class and play with the children every day. Are you welcome? (Welcome!) So, where do we leave Wan living? (Toy closet.) Yes! The toy cabinet in our class is their new home. We free up the toy cabinet to let these toys live. (Under the guidance of the teacher, the children recited the nursery rhyme: "I love you, toys, toys. They are with us every day. Pick them up and put them down gently. The children will remember them. Play with the toys and send them home. Little Xixi learns that the toys are gone ." while putting the toys into the toy cabinet.)

5. Say "goodbye" to toys.

Inspired by the teacher, the children walked out of the activity and talked to the toys: "Goodbye, toys." "I love you, toys!" "I like you, toys!" "Toys, I will come see you tomorrow!" "Toys, I want to see you every day to be with you!

"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan Chapter 5

plan for design:

The children in my class are very interested in the activities of ants. At the same time, they want to exercise their crawling ability, cultivate their sense of cooperation, improve their body coordination, and at the same time cultivate their sense of rhythm during the activity, so I designed this teaching activity.

Activity goal

1. Preliminarily train children to be able to crawl on their hands and knees in a coordinated manner when listening to signals.

2. Establish children's awareness of cooperation and improve the flexibility and coordination of movements among children.

3. Be able to practice movements according to changes in rhythm and experience the fun of participating in games in musical situations.

Event preparation

1. Venue layout: Set up the game scene of "Ants Find Beans";

2. Material preparation:

(1) A small drum, a number of ocean balls in red, yellow and green colors; a number of baskets, a number of food bags; a piece of grass for children to crawl on;

(2) Several ant headdresses;

Game Ant_Ant Game Box_Ant Game Installation

(3) Several recorders and music tapes.

activity procedure

1. Play a role and move your body.

The teacher plays the role of mother ant, and the children play the role of little ants. They listen to music and exercise together. (The teacher and the children played a nice children's song while doing it: The weather is really nice today. The ants got up early, put on beautiful floral clothes, and played games with their mothers. Nod, turn their hands, kick their legs, jump around, discover A soybean, hey, hey, hey, carry it home. Shake your body and turn around, I am a smart and good baby)

(1) Explain the situation: Winter is here, and the ants have to prepare food for the winter. Today's task is to carry "beans" home from a distance.

(2) Introduce how to play the game: Introduce the location of the beans and the basket, and recognize that there is a lot of grain at the other end of the field. Ask the children to pretend to be ants and crawl over, get the grain back, and put it in the basket. Each person is required to take only one at a time.

(3) The children gather at one end of the field, and the teacher reminds the children to put the food they bring in a basket close to them so that it is not crowded.

2. Change with the rhythm and practice crawling.

Children listen to the rhythm and practice crawling in various forms: the teacher focuses on guiding the children to practice crawling backwards. Next, let the children crawl at different speeds according to the rhythm: if the drum sounds fast, they will crawl quickly; if the drum sounds slow, they will crawl slowly. This link mainly allows children to practice listening to signals and performing various actions.

3. Children work in pairs and follow the rhythm to transport food.

The children work in pairs to put the food in the bag. One child crawls, and the other child puts the bag of food on the back of the crawling child. He holds the food with one hand and the two move forward together in step with the rhythm.

Activity reflection:

With the progress of society and the introduction of quality education, the function of physical education given by education is also growing. The special socialized educational function of music helps children's physical education develop in a healthy direction. Young children are relatively lively and like outdoor activities very much. Coupled with lively music, children's awareness of participation is greatly enhanced and their interest in activities is extremely high. In this activity, children learned to abide by the rules of the game, actively cooperate with other partners, and learned the ability to crawl forward on their hands and knees. Only some children have some imbalances in cooperation during the cooperation process and need further practice.

"Ants Transport Grain" Game Lesson Plan Part 6

Activity goals:

1. In the game scenario of "carrying grain", practice using your feet to control the "grain" (sandbag) and jump forward continuously for a certain distance (the key point is to hold the "grain" (sandbag) between your legs and jump forward continuously) to exercise the strength of your legs and feet. .

2. Explore a variety of ways to use your feet to "transport food" to enhance the coordination of foot and leg movements.

3. Experience the fun of playing sandbags and the joy of success.

Highlights of the activity:

Key Point: Learn to control the sandbag with your feet.

Difficulty: Use your legs to hold a sandbag (i.e. "grain") and jump forward continuously for a certain distance.

Teaching preparation:

Sufficient amount of sandbags; four small baskets; four small carts: music (3 songs).

Teaching process:

1. Teachers and children do warm-up and jumping movements of the waist and feet along with the music. Focus on foot and leg training.

2. Practice using your feet to control the sandbag to jump forward continuously for a certain distance.

1. Independently explore various ways to "transport food" with your feet.

(1) Decentralized exploration.

Show the sandbag. Teacher: This is the "food" for the little ants. The little ants want to store the "food", and we are here to help transport it. But this time we use our feet instead of our hands.

Kindergarten Sets Up “crawling Day”

In order to exercise children's physical fitness and enhance their physical fitness, a kindergarten in Linyi, Shandong Province has set up a "Climbing Day", allowing parents and teachers to accompany their children to crawl and play games! On May 10, a "video of parents climbing into the kindergarten with their children" that took place in the kindergarten attracted attention and heated discussion.

Video posted online: At the entrance of the kindergarten, parents and children crawl into the kindergarten together

A video posted online showed that on the morning of May 10, at the entrance of a kindergarten, two ladies were preparing to enter the kindergarten with a child carrying a schoolbag.

One or two meters away from the kindergarten gate, the child landed on his knees and hands first, and quickly crawled forward. The two ladies next to me also got down on their knees and crawled into the kindergarten together.

Then, another woman in a white coat climbed into the kindergarten side by side with her children.

After that, two adults, a man and a woman (the woman looked like a kindergarten teacher from her attire), walked towards the kindergarten holding a young child. A few meters away from the entrance of the kindergarten, the child and the adult man crawled on the ground first, while the adult woman clapped her hands to encourage them, and then climbed into the kindergarten behind them.

Hot discussion among netizens: Some netizens like it and support it, while some netizens say they don’t understand.

The netizen who posted the video said: If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never believe that there is such a way to enter the park. It is really incomprehensible.

A Dafeng News reporter from the Chinese Business Daily noticed that the video was released at nearly 4:00 pm on May 10. As of the afternoon of the 11th, there were 18,000 comments. Netizens also have different opinions on this matter, and the wise have their own opinions.

Netizen "Tomorrow": Obviously they are playing games. Under certain environment and game rules, parents and children enter kindergarten playing together. It's nothing.

Netizen "Mommy of Second Child": I have a 6-year-old son. The child care doctor from the Children's Research Institute also recommended that my son crawl on the floor more to exercise his wrist strength.

Netizen "Zhao Long": The starting point of kindergartens is good. As long as the children are happy, what's wrong with parents crawling with their children?

Netizen "September": I hope we also have a kindergarten with such diverse activities.

Netizen "Xiaopeng": Climbing with your children is helpful to exercise their coordination and limb movements. Only when parents take the lead can they be convincing.

Netizen "Dundun": I quite support it. This school is very courageous.

Netizens "draw the ground as a prison": People who can't stand it are older and can't accept modern education methods. This is called breaking the rules.

Netizen "Bao Ma": Isn't this a bit burdensome for children and parents?

Netizen "Yuannuo": If you participate in group games in school, that's okay, but it's really weird to see it like this at the door. The door should be entered with dignity.

Netizen "Li": I really can't understand whether the kindergarten has some kind of magic.

Netizen "Fei'er": I have worked as a young teacher for many years. This is the first time I have seen someone doing this. The key is that the parents agreed and crawled in.

Netizen "Mingyue Shines on the Ditch": Without cerebral thrombosis for 10 years, I can't think of this kind of behavior of entering the park!

Netizen "Xiao Zhang": We were taught to hold our heads high when we were children.

Netizen "Paopao": It's impossible for me to do it anyway. It's so embarrassing in a summer skirt and high heels.

Kindergarten’s response: Climbing with children is to exercise children’s physical fitness, and there are no mandatory requirements for parents.

It is reported that the kindergarten where the incident occurred is a kindergarten in Lanshan District, Linyi City.

On May 11, the staff of the kindergarten said that parents accompanying their children to climb into the kindergarten is a part of the kindergarten's "climbing over mountains and ridges" to go to school. There are climbing pieces, hula hoops, single-plank bridges and other toys in the kindergarten. "It's like a break-through game, so children can come to school happily every day."

It said that every Wednesday is a parent climbing day, where parents can interact with their children. After the epidemic, colds and influenza A continued to occur. In order to exercise children's physical fitness, the kindergarten thought of various ways to get the children active early in the morning. The children loved it. "In the past, when entering the kindergarten in the morning, some children cried, and some were carried into the kindergarten by the teacher. Now the children enter the kindergarten happily, elated, and jumping."

It said that crawling with children is voluntary for parents, and the kindergarten does not make it mandatory. On May 11, other staff of the kindergarten said that all the lawns at the entrance of the kindergarten are special lawns and will not stain or tear the clothes of parents and children. She emphasized that the kindergarten does not force parents. If parents like it, they can crawl with their children. They welcome it. If parents don't like it, don't worry about it.

On May 11, in the comment area of ​​the video, an account named the name of the kindergarten where the incident occurred responded to netizens’ comments: Nature is a natural playground for children… Due to insufficient exercise space and amount of exercise, more children have insufficient coordination. and other problems… And crawling is the simplest way to repair various abilities. Kneeling crawling, side crawling, and weight-bearing crawling are all ways to increase children's interest in crawling. There are fewer colds, and the strength of children's limbs has improved. With the support of parents, Climbing makes the babies even more interested.

"Dear netizens, we are well aware of this principle of education. It may be too embarrassing to accompany the climb on camera, but there is music, competition and shouting for cheers. The effect is very popular. If it has caused discomfort to everyone, please understand. ! We enter the kindergarten from a series of sports such as climbing, walking on the balance beam, and drilling. It is called climbing over mountains and ridges to go to school. Everyone is welcome to come to guide, visit and make corrections!"

A reporter from the Chinese Business Daily Dafeng News searched the kindergarten account and found that there are many kindergarten works under the account name, as well as the replies to netizens mentioned above, or the official account of the kindergarten.

On May 11, the reporter called the kindergarten’s enrollment number several times, but to no avail.

Voices from experts and parents: The original intention of the kindergarten was good, but the location was not chosen appropriately.

Qian Qing, a Ph.D. from Northwest University of Political Science and Law, believes that the original intention and starting point of kindergartens doing this are good. "It is to improve children's athletic ability. It is the embodiment of an educational philosophy and a change in educational methods."

Qian Qing also reminded that kindergartens should pay attention to the following points during this process: First, they must respect the wishes of parents and children and cannot force them. The second is to take some supporting safeguard measures, such as setting up some soft cushions suitable for crawling. Third, try to avoid methods that are likely to cause controversy. Because behaviors such as crawling across balance beams and climbing over obstacles involve issues of personal dignity, public feelings must be considered when choosing similar methods.

Wu Hui, a professor at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, pointed out that as an entrance game, climbing in is not a good design in his opinion. "Why are you crawling if you don't want to walk?"

Wu Hui said that designing games always has a healthy and upward purpose. What abilities does the kindergarten do to exercise this? “Building a single-plank bridge is understandable and requires no explanation, but climbing into a kindergarten is normal for most people not to understand.

In addition, he feels that there are two aspects that need to be considered. One is the meaning of "climbing" in Chinese culture. Some behavioral symbols have specific meanings. If it creates a bad association, he recommends not climbing. Second, the design of games cannot be solely based on whether children are happy. After all, children's minds are not yet mature. "Children are happy playing with mobile phones, so we just let them play endlessly?"

Parent Chen Jiangtao said that he understood that crawling is indeed a form of physical exercise, but he felt that the crawling place in the video was inappropriate and would cause some sensory discomfort to everyone. "If crawling is placed in a game session or in a special classroom, it will be easier for everyone to accept it. If it is placed outdoors as a kind of entrance ceremony, it feels very awkward. I still hope that the kindergarten can give more consideration and use The right way to do the right thing”.

Parent He Yongpinglu said that the starting point of the kindergarten is very good, as it can exercise children's physical fitness and cultivate good physical coordination. It's just that it's more appropriate for this kind of activity to take place inside the kindergarten. After all, it's a parent-child education activity in the kindergarten. "The main reason for all the controversy now is that the scope of activities has expanded beyond the park and has become a crawling method. This is somewhat different from the normal concept of people entering the park by walking. People who don't understand the truth will feel uncomfortable when they see this scene. Alternative, easily misunderstood.”

Parent Liu Gongsheng said that innovation cannot be divorced from public order and good customs, and must conform to the values ​​​​of the majority of people, otherwise it will become an alternative. Parents and children ruin their clothes because of crawling. The economic cost is too high and does not conform to the values ​​of thrift and green. "The traditional mainstream value of Chinese people is that they would rather die standing than live on their knees. Crawling can easily be associated with the humiliation of stepping down, which may not be a good thing for children's character development."

Response from the Education Bureau: The report has been received and will be dealt with after investigation.

Have local education authorities paid attention to this matter? Any opinions on this?

On the morning of May 11, relevant personnel from the Linyi Municipal Education Bureau told the Chinese Business Daily Dafeng News reporter that on May 10, parents of this kindergarten in Lanshan District accompanied their children to climb into the kindergarten. The Linyi Municipal Education Bureau has received reports from parents. Relevant departments and districts and counties are currently investigating and implementing the matter, and will issue a notice as soon as the results are available.

Chinese Business Daily Dafeng News reporter Chen Youmou editor Yang Dehe

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