Starting With Witchcraft, Why Do Manufacturers Love Mythological Mobile Games?

Hou Yi shot the sun, Jing Wei reclaimed the sea, and Foolish Old Man moved the mountains. We have grown up with all kinds of familiar myths and stories. The ancient ancestors used simple and intuitive but imaginative words to describe the world in their eyes.

In the world view of mythology, Pangu created heaven and earth, light and pure air turned into the sky, and heavy and turbid air turned into the earth. Shen Nong and Chi You fought in Zhuolu, and countless gods came to help them fight. It was a wonderful battle. The wonderful ancient Chinese novel about gods and monsters, "Journey to the West", absorbs the essence of traditional mythology and integrates various systems into one, eventually becoming the pinnacle of ancient novels.

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Many mobile games on the market today mostly choose the theme of mythology, or integrate the mythical worldview into the background. The following article will briefly explore why mobile game manufacturers prefer the theme of mythology.

First of all, the charm of mystery and unknown is the key for mobile game manufacturers to choose mythological themes. Mythology is born with a strong mystical temperament. Our country has a long history, and some customs and beliefs may have been passed down for thousands of years. According to the theory in the anthropologist Fraser's book "The Golden Bough", these beliefs were often presented in the form of "witchcraft" at first. When it comes to the origin of Chinese mythology, it may be related to the shaman culture that was prevalent in the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties.

For example, "Jianmu" in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is very typical. Jianmu, also known as Ruomu, is the ladder leading to heaven. There has been a saying in ancient times of "climbing the fairy tree". In 1986, two bronze sacred trees were unearthed from Sanxingdui Sacrificial Pit No. 2, which are consistent with the sacred trees contained in classics such as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Huainanzi". Most scholars believe that they are sacred trees with the function of reaching the sky." "Fusang" and "Jianmu".

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On this basis, some scholars pointed out that "Jianmu" may be the stage for ancient shamans to perform sacrifices. Through the "ladder to heaven", shamans can communicate with heaven, man, and gods, and gain a glimpse of the mysteries of life and death. Such witchcraft behaviors are in Records exist all over the world. It can be seen that the myths handed down may be some kind of strange witchcraft behavior at that time.

Jianmu also appears in many games. The prototype of the ancient tree on the Luofu Immortal Boat in "Honkai: Star Rail" is "Jianmu".

According to the game settings, Jianmu was left by the Fertile Star God and has the ability to shape life and conquer death. The ancestors of the Luofu people obtained the body of an immortal species by taking the divine essence generated by Jianmu, which is called endless longevity. However, the pursuit of immortality led to a lack of resources and population expansion. Rich people invaded the fairy boat in order to seize the miracle. Eventually, the building was cut off and turned into an ordinary dead tree. It was blocked by the magic of the cave and no one could reach it. . (Excerpted from Baidu Encyclopedia)

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It can be seen that appropriately adding mythological elements can make the fantasy in the game more real and interesting, arousing people's strong curiosity and curiosity. By playing these mythological games, players can integrate into the atmosphere of the fantasy world, explore unknown areas, and experience its unique charm. This is the same as "Ultraman is real" or "magic exists."

Secondly, mythology is also an important part of our country’s culture, carrying profound cultural identity and emotional connections. Moreover, many customs and beautiful meanings evolved from those myths have remained, and have not changed with time and the rise of modern civilization. dissipate. For example, the myth of "Mazu" is very popular in the southern coastal areas of China and neighboring Southeast Asia. Its values ​​of virtue and good deeds are still highly respected by people. Mazu was also awarded the title of "Goddess of Peace" by the United Nations.

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Often those ancient myths actually contain the simple, simple but sincere values ​​of the ancient people. Generation after generation of people have accepted the education of these stories and subtly integrated them into our blood. When we play these games and see those familiar mythical characters, we will unconsciously have a sense of identity and emotional resonance with our own cultural background, thereby further enhancing our emotional investment and becoming more recognized for the game world.

There are many games that have successfully introduced us to the deeds of mythical characters while allowing players to enjoy exciting gameplay, such as the recently tested mythical SLG "Ten Thousand Immortals Chasing the Deer". The feature of the game is that ancient heroes, gods, and monsters from all over the world appear together. Each god has a detailed explanation in the myth. If some characters are connected in mythology, when they are in the same team, they will also bring additional numerical bonuses, such as the Li family – Li Jing and Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, the brave men who forged swords with their own bodies. Couple – the general Mo Xie, the protagonist in the legend of Flying to the Moon – Hou Yi and Chang'e.

The game takes us to re-understand the heroic legends in ancient myths in a vivid and vivid way, evoking the joy we felt when we heard these stories.

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Finally, mythological elements can create a unique game world concept and artistic style. Through unique creatures, gods, and magical elements from mythology, game worlds can present visual and sensory experiences that are completely different from real life. This uniqueness captures our attention and allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the amazing world of the game. Seeing these carefully designed artistic styles and unforgettable scenes, we will feel an unprecedented shock and surprise.

A typical example is Tencent's "Paradise Mountains and Seas", which is a unique open "universe" mobile game. Its art design is very exquisite and looks very rough, giving people the kind of "giant kun swallowing" feeling in web game advertisements. That kind of cheap feeling, but also quite "flavorful". According to the artist, the reference source for the design of the game's monsters and objects is a series of ancient cultural relics produced by "Sanxingdui" and folklore from various places. The reference of real art prototypes makes the game even more mythical.

There are various reasons why mobile game manufacturers love mythological themes. Maybe it has a unique atmosphere, maybe they want people to feel friendly, or maybe they want to highlight their artistic advantages. In short, these factors can fully stimulate players' interest. In the ever-developing mobile game market, mythology-themed mobile games are undoubtedly a market with unique charm and potential, bringing endless exploration and surprises to players. What are your opinions on this? Which is your favorite mythical mobile game? Please express your opinions in the comment area.

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