
The movie has been updated for 231 days, and the film’s Douban score is 6.6

This is Ang Lee's lowest-rated film. It should be so far. This superhero movie with changes from Marvel comics has a very low rating. It just passed the passing mark. I briefly looked through it. Take a look at the superhero movies adapted from Marvel comics, such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-Man and other series of movies. There are almost no movies with lower ratings than the Hulk. Many people say that Ang Lee is only suitable for shooting text. I am not good at making such delicate movies with no connotation about superheroes. Even such a delicate movie can win the Oscar. Why is it that I can’t make this kind of movies without any connotation? To say the least, the director is just not good at it. I'm not professional about this type of movie, but a director who often wins major film awards around the world wouldn't have made such a "bad movie". Many people compare this movie to Nolan's Batman, maybe There will be many Nolan fans who will blindly defend their position and myth it. It’s not that Hulk’s filming is better than Nolan’s Batman, but even if it’s worse, it’s not enough. Such a polarized score. There is also a bit of doubt. In the play, the female pig-footed Jennifer Connelly (who once starred as the teenage dancing goddess in Once Upon a Time in America), the female pig-footed person repeatedly harmed the male protagonist in the play. In the end, the female protagonist’s father used The gamma weapon bombed the Hulk and his father, and then the heroine's father lowered his head sadly, but the heroine behind was not only not sad, but also comforting her father not to be sad. I don't know whether the two of them were in the wrong position, or the heroine. I don’t like the Hulk, or the heroine is too broad-minded.

Final summary: In the final analysis, the rating of Hulk is not that high

so low

Hulk…it's so hard to come up with a name


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